Monday, April 30, 2007
The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend
Former CIA director George Tenet is making the rounds promoting his new Bush bashing book. An intelligent man, he realizes that criticizing Bush is the best way to get a free pass from the media for his failings in providing intelligence to the administration. Tenet told Bush that the case for WMD in Iraq was a "slam dunk." Bush presented this information to the public. The media now says Bush lied by using the evidence provided by the CIA and intelligence agencies around the world, while forgetting that his comments on the issue were no different from the claims of both Clintons and John Kerry. I am still skeptical that Saddam got rid of all his WMD's without bothering to prove it to the U.N. I guess he really liked the crippling sanctions that would have been lifted had he done so. Isn't it more likely that he sent them to Syria or Iran on the eve of the war or hid them very well? Back to Tenet, it is interesting to see this Clinton holdover welcomed back into the fold by the press. However, some of the information in the book (I haven't read it, just news reports) about Al-Qaeda's plans are truly frightening. Al-Qaeda has apparently gotten very close to getting nuclear weapons from Pakistan and Tenet believes they will stop at nothing to detonate a nuclear device in a major American city.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I'm Going to Fight You Steve
Yeah Capitalism!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Let's put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand. Suppose that every day,
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
And so:
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to eat for free.
"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all.
The next night the tenth man didn't show up for dinner, so the nine sat down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Is Imus Worse than Rosie?
I haven't gotten too hung up on the Don Imus firing (he made an ugly, possibly racist comment about the Rutgers women's basketball team, if you've been living in a cave), as I've never listened to him. However, it does present the hypocrisy of the left, as Tom DeLay writes here. "The message of the ongoing Imus scandal is simple: verbal offenses against anyone other than conservatives or Christians or Jews, will be treated as crimes, and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the judge and jury," he writes. Jesse Jackson can slur Jews by calling New York "Hymietown" and Al Sharpton can be convicted of libel for making up a story about a white assistant district attorney raping a black woman, but it's quickly forgotten. And how about their treatment of the Duke lacrosse players, for which they refuse to apologize? But the most egregious example today, as DeLay argues, is Rosie O'Donnell. On the TV show "The View," Rosie accuses President Bush of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks and has compared fundamentalist Christians to the Islamic terrorists. What she has done is far more offensive to far more people than what Don Imus did. Christians should be deeply offended by her comments. She should be fired and I agree with DeLay, conservatives need to come together to pressure ABC to fire her. Here is a list of companies/products that sponsor "The View."
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Stem Cells and Diabetes
An amazing study was published today in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association, a major journal) on Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 often develops in children, where the immune system attacks the pancreas and it becomes unable to produce the insulin needed to convert food into energy. Type 1's always require insulin injections for the rest of their lives and diabetics face increased risk of heart disease, foot ulcers leading to amputation and many other problems. Type 2 is much more common and is the result of being overweight. In the study, patients newly diagnosed with Type 1 had their immune systems suppressed and then were injected with their own stem cells. 15 out of 17 patients in the study no longer need insulin!
This certainly shows the promise of stem-cells in curing disease. So what's the debate in Washington about? Stem-cells are immature cells that can grow into different kinds of tissue and could potentially repair damaged body parts. These can be obtained from people, as in this study, but the most versatile stem-cells come from embryos. President Bush and many in the pro-life movement oppose federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research (it is perfectly legal, you just need private funds to do it). If you believe that life begins at conception, then embryonic stem-cell research kills life. However, artificial insemination involves the creation of many embryos that will never become babies. The President does not have a problem with using these embryos, but draws the line at using your tax dollars to fund research using embryos created for the purpose of destroying them to do research. I am staunchly pro-life, but I'm not sure that a microscopic cluster of a few cells is human life, so I am conflicted about embryonic stem-cell research, considering the promise it offers. However, I think that the government should not fund it. If you don't believe that life begins at conception then you are free to fund the research, but I don't everyone should be forced to do so through taxes.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Handouts for the Homeless
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Pelosi Doing Her Part for Womens Rights
The idiocy of Nancy Pelosi's decision to defy the President and meet with the terrorists in Syria (no, there is no other way to describe the government of Syria) was rivaled only by her choice of attire. The Reform Party of Syria is upset that she wore a Hijab during her visit to Syria to meet with Bashcar al-Assad (thanks to Little Green Footballs for the link). Their comments:
Had Speaker Pelosi worn the Hijab inside a Mosque, this would have indicated respect but for Pelosi to wear it on the streets of Damascus all the while she is sitting with the self-imposed Baschar al-Assad who has come to symbolize oppression and one of the reasons why women are forced to wear the Hijab as they turn to religion to express their freedom is a statement of submittal not only to oppression but also to lack of women's rights in the Middle East. Pelosi just reversed the work of the Syrian civil society and those who aspire for women's freedom in the Muslim countries many years back with her visual statement. Her lack of experience of the Middle East is showing.
Assad could not have been happier because Syrian women, seeing a US official confirming what their husbands, the Imams in the Mosques tell them, and the society at large imposes on them through peer pressure will see in her wearing a Hijab as a confirmation of the societal pressures they are constantly under. No one will ever know how many women took the Hijab on after seeing Pelosi wearing it. The damage Speaker Pelosi is causing with her visit to Syria will be felt for many years to come.