Everybody's sick of hearing about Barry Bonds and steroids. However, Michael Witte at Editor & Publisher (ht Drudge) writes of a different way Bonds has cheated to catch Hank Aaron's home run total: his elbow "armor." I always thought the elbow pad was unnecessarily huge, but Witte has analyzed his swing and makes a surprisingly convincing argument that the elbow pad is actually a mechanical apparatus that gives Bonds a significant advantage. For example, he claims that it keeps Bonds' swing remarkably consistent and efficient, harnessing his power more effectively. It also allows Bonds to hit the ball with more mass, but with better mass distribution than using a heavier bat. A rule change years ago forbids playe

Sarah is offended by the photo of Bonds pre-steroids. Am I a bad person?
nope. Hilarious maybe, but not bad.
Unless you mean "bad" as in "totally depraved." In that case, you, like every other failible human being, are "bad."
How's that for 8:43 a.m. theology?
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