Socialized medicine seems to be working wonders in the UK. Breitbart.com (ht Moonbattery) reports that a man recently pulled out seven of his own teeth with a pliers because he got sick of being on a six week waiting list for emergency dentistry. Maybe Michael Moore should do a sequel.
Jon-perhaps you've already read this piece, written by an oncologist and printed in the Washington Post. Here's the conclusion:
"Those who invoke the specter of socialized medicine should answer the following question-Do you think the government should fund medical care for those who cannot afford it, just as it funds education for those children whose parents cannot afford to educate them? If not, say so and explicity justify your position. But, please, spare us the derogatory language".
sorry about that-I can't find a shorter link
allright this is working out terribly. You're going to have to REALLY want to read this editorial, but google "specter of socialized medicine" and click on the 2nd choice down
I would argue that the government already does fund medical care for those that can't afford it: don't we have Medicaid, Medicare, and SCHIP in its current form already? The new SCHIP bill attemted to move us one step closer to socialized medicine by including families making many times that of those in poverty and including "children" up to 25 years of age. I did read the editorial - one thought: as the government pays for the healthcare of a higher and higher percentage of patients they gain more control over the "means of production." Whoever pays gets the final say. And healthcare in the VA is horrible, I used to call on one. VA patients get far less than standard of care medicine.
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