Read the following quotes and see if you can guess who said them - Mike Huckabee or John Edwards.
- "When I hear the headlines that the economy's doing great, I know that it is, if you look at it from the macro sense. But if you go out and talk to people who work on the floors of factories or you talk to waitresses who are doing their second job, school teachers who have to work an extra job, you don't hear quite the confidence about how great the economy is doing."
- “I don't want to see our food come from China, our oil come from Saudi Arabia and our manufacturing come from Europe and Asia.”
- "I am not interested in being the candidate of Wall Street but of Main Street. Wealthy CEOs get paid 500 times what the average worker does, but they are not necessarily 500 times smarter or harder working and that is wrong."
- "If you want to know how to fix [healthcare], I've got a solution. Either give every American the same kind of healthcare that Congress has or make Congress have the same kind of health care that every American has."
- The US has a "revenge-based corrections system." And "we incarcerate more people than anybody on earth."
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