The stock market, after soaring in recently, had a rough week. However, the DOW is still above 13,000 and GDP is up 3.4% for the second quarter, the best quarter in over a year. The media, in their quest for doom and gloom always choose to play up the bad news (ht Newsbusters.org), at least when a Republican is in office. But why should they pay attention to the stock market at all? I thought only the fat cats on Wall Street were affected by the market. How many times have we been told that the gains on Wall Street are not being shared by those on Main Street? Democrats are making plans to "tax the rich" by increasing the capital gains tax. Increasing the capital gains tax will lower overall investment, hurting the stock market and the economy. The average Joe depends on the stock market's performance for at least his retirement account. The Democrats can't seem to get it through their heads one simple fact: Low taxes = good for economy, high taxes = bad for economy. I guess it doesn't matter if you can take money from one group of people and giving it to another to buy votes.
for the briefest of moments, I thought that that cat's foot was not a foot...
wow, after another look, i see your point. I'm so glad its a foot. I have no intention of making this an R rated blog.
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