Romney won today's Wyoming caucuses. OK, I know it's not as important as Iowa, but it gives him a boost going in to New Hampshire. The debate tonight was interesting though. McCain showcased the most liberal stance on immigration, advocated socialized medicine via drug re-importation from Canada (where prices are set by the government) and made constant, petty personal attacks against Romney. Thompson had the right answers but, as usual, was less than inspiring. I love his conservative ideas, I just wish he acted like he wanted to win. Huckabee tried to stay above the fray and escaped without helping or hurting himself. Paul managed to fault monetary policy and inflation in every answer. Romney differentiated himself from McCain, his main competition in New Hampshire on immigration and health care and rose above the constant personal attacks from McCain. I am really starting to dislike McCain. Usually he comes across as principled and distinguished (even if dead wrong). Tonight he was neither, pandering to the New Hampshire independents and making smug comments at every turn about Romney.
O.K. let me get somethings straight:
Iowa population: 2,982,085 = 7 Electoral College votes
New Hampshire population: 1,309,940 = 4 Electoral College votes
Wyoming population: 509,294 = 3 Electoral College votes
Wyoming, in all reality, is every bit as important in the general election as New Hampshire. And yet, Wyoming results are swept aside as insignificant, and New Hampshire results are weighted as much, if not MORE important than Iowa.
The way that we do these caucuses is ridiculous. Why not rotate the locations of these babies?
Rotating would seem to make some sense. I'm putting together a review of the Republican primary rules for '08. Hopefully I'll post it Monday or Tuesday.
Keep in mind that electoral votes have little to do with primaries. The Republican party determines how many delegates each state receives. But you're right, Wyoming gets 14 delegates, New Hampshire gets 12. It's typical liberal bias. The Dems' Wyoming primary isn't until March and Wyoming counts for next to nothing for Democrats.
I know that they don't directly relate, but come election time, which states play the bigger roles in determining the president? I'm amazed that New York, Texas, California, Ohio, etc. don't get more involved earlier on in this process. We let po-dunk Iowa and flaming liberal NH shape who becomes the leader of the free world.
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