Politicians on both sides of the aisle have long criticized the billions in earmarks and pork that get sneaked in to legislation. For many politicians, bringing home the bacon to their district or state is their primary objective in Washington. The same type of projects usually regarded as waste are now being promoted as the way to save our economy. The only difference is that instead of spending millions or billions, we'll spend almost a trillion and instead of calling it pork we'll call it "stimulus."
We're in a hole, and Obama is grabbing a shovel. More spending requires one of three things: higher taxes, more borrowing, or printing money. All three are bad - no one with a brain is calling for higher taxes right now, there is a limit on how much we can borrow from China and that money will have to be paid back by my generation and the generations after. Printing money steals from us all by causing inflation.
The ingenuity and work ethic of the American people (some, anyway) will bring us out of this recession, not government.
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