Greetings from Italy. Sorry for the lack of posting, Sarah and I are in Europe. Our first stop was Barcelona, where we spent three nights and took in a lot of Gaudi's architecture (like Casa Battlo, pictured). I love Barcelona, the people are great and there's something new and different around every corner. We flew to Venice early this morning. I didn't get much sleep last night and was fairly crabby. It didn't help that it rained on and off all day today. Venice is incredibly beautiful and rich with history, but begins to feel a little like a Disney resort after a while, especially since it is wall to wall tourists. Also, everything is ridiculously expensive. I had a disgusting microwaved lasagna for lunch for €8, plus a €3.50 can of Coke. I did get to visit the church featured in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (the one where X marks the spot and there are rats). Unfortunately, only the outside was in the movie, the interior was filmed somewhere else. Tomorrow we're off to Verona, then Cinque Terra, Rome, the Amalfi Coast, Naples, and back home.
Nice to hear from you guys.
Props on figuring out how to type the Euro symbol. How's you do that?
Also, what's the exchange rate at? It's been a while since I've been abroad.
Fortunately I've never been a broad.
It's not that hard on a European keyboard. It's hard to type though, a lot of the buttons are switched around. It took me forever to learn to type the @ symbol. The exchange rate sucks, about 1.38 buys 1 euro.
glad to hear you made it safely. I can't wait to see your pictures!
We thought about bringing the laptop so we could share pictures right away, but we didnt want to carry it around everywhere. Wouldve been nice for plane and trains though.
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