Ok, it's official. The White Stripes are playing the Aragon Theater in Chicago on October 6 and 7 (Saturday and Sunday). Tickets go on sale at whitestripes.com on Tuesday at 10:00 am (sign up ahead of time) and at Ticketmaster next Saturday at 11:00. Tickets are $36 and the opening act is the Cold War Kids. I would like to go to both, but may end up just going to the Sunday show, as the 7th is my birthday and my family might be in town. And in case you didn't know, their new album, Icky Thump, comes out on Tuesday.
I'm in- as are at least two of my friends.
Sarah has agreed to get online and try to get tickets Tuesday morning. She'll try to get 4 for Sunday first, then 4 for Saturday. If you or any of your buddies can try too, I'm sure extra tickets will be easy to sell, and who knows how quickly it will sell out.
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