It's no secret that many on the left despise this country (full of racist, capitalist, and imperialist pigs, clearly), but it's always a surprise when they say so openly. Michelle Obama told a Milwaukee crowd that "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change." At every other time in your adult life you have been ashamed of this country? Michelle Malkin comments for National Review:
We were both adults when the Berlin Wall fell, Michelle. That was earth-shattering change...
We were adults through several launches of the space shuttle, in case you were snoozing. And as adults, we’ve witnessed and benefited from dizzyingly rapid advances in technology, communications, science, and medicine pioneered by American entrepreneurs who yearned to change the world and succeeded. You want “change?” Go ask the patients whose lives have been improved and extended by American pharmaceutical companies that have flourished under the best economic system in the world...
If American ingenuity, a robust constitutional republic, and the fall of communism don’t do it for you, hon, then how about American heroism and sacrifice?
How about every Memorial Day? Every Veterans Day? Every Independence Day? Every Medal of Honor ceremony? Has she never attended a welcome-home ceremony for the troops?
Apparently, instituting Barack Obama's radical, liberal ideology is the only way to create a country worthy of our pride.
ahh yes, the rhetoric of absulutes comes back to bite the Obama camp. Unfortunate. It will be interesting to see how the rest of primary season unfolds.
I think it's indicative of how the Obama's view this country and where they want to take it. They'd like to take a sharp left turn - toward a more European style of government. High taxes, massive entitlements, more regulation of business, less free trade. A recipe for a slow to no growth economy that will cost us jobs and lower of standard of living.
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