Mitt Romney was in Glen Ellyn (10 minutes west of my house) this afternoon and Sarah,
Rudi and I were there to cheer his conservative message (economic, immigration, and foreign policy for those McCain supporters). Former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert introduced Romney to a packed house. Mitt gave us a campaign update: he won Saturday's
Maine caucus 52% to McCain's 21% (despite McCain endorsements by the governor and both senators) and is now leading by 3 points in
delegate-rich California. Mi

tt spoke for about 15 minutes about his plans for America: lower taxes, a strong national defense, pro-growth and pro-family policies, less regulation and more border security.
Mitt makes it clear that there is only one candidate left who stands for the core principles of the Republican Party: "I'm afraid it's going to be real hard to win the White House if there's not much difference between our nominee and theirs, and that's why I'm going to make sure that we stand for Republican ideals."
Don't forget to vote on Tuesday!
with Mitt out, i hate all remaining republican nominees.
Libertarians, here I come.
is anyone else depressed with this news?
Hmmm, Ron Paul vs. McCain. Not a tough choice. Who wants four years of that whiney guy?
"What we neeed is uh, uh, a monetary policeey that makes sennnse... all this, uh, uh monnney we're spending in Iraq..."
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